General Principles for Quality Code Reviews
At my day job, code review is something that everyone can participate in. There's an understanding that if you don't know what you're talking about, you wont leave a review. Otherwise, anyone can review anything. My team is really small, so this self-organizing system works pretty well.
As I grew in my role, code review became a larger and larger part of my job, and I wanted to make sure I was writing quality reviews. So, I went out on the web to find some authoritative-enough opinions and compiled them into a personal note.
What you're about to read is an adaptation of that note to fit on my blog. I'll link out to original sources and note what constitutes my own opinions, as appropriate.
Throughout this post you'll see the terms "Pull Request" (PR) and "Change List"
(CL). I treat them as synonyms and use them to mean "a git
patch that someone
wants to merge into some other branch, typically the main branch".
Why Code Review Matters
Why should we even care about writing good reviews? What do I even mean when I say a review is "good" or "bad"?
In my opinion, the functional goals of code review are:
- To serve as an educational opportunity between two or more engineers.
- To spot quality or correctness errors before merging.
"Correctness" here meaning: "Does the software do what it is designed/intended to do?" and "quality" meaning: "Is the implementation readable, maintainable, and free of bugs, performance problems, etc?"
Naturally, the most basic difference between a good and bad reviews is whether or not a review accomplishes the functional goals. We cannot count on code review to catch all problems, since reviews are conducted with limited time and reviewers are fallible, just like everyone. But, if your review process never facilitates education or catches an error, then you should seriously reconsider what you're doing.
Beyond the functional goals, there are qualitative aspects to a good review:
- Was the review time-efficient?
- Was time wasted waiting for responses to comments?
- Was the PR too big to review in a reasonable amount of time?
- Did you have to overly clarify review comments because of poor communication?
- Was the review frustrating to the reviewee? I'll elaborate more on this later. But, writing reviews that don't make people defensive ("being kind") is not only good for morale, it's also more efficient.
"The Senior Principle"
Google cites the following as The Senior Principle among all of their code review guidelines:
In general, reviewers should favor approving a CL [change list] once it is in a state where it definitely improves the overall code health of the system being worked on, even if the CL isn't perfect.
Put another way, in absence of a specific guideline, ask yourself if the change makes the system better. What's acceptable or what "better" means is going to be different from company to company, but the idea transfers.
What's Worth Talking About
One of the simplest strategies you can employ to keep reviews effective and lean is to make fewer comments. You can make fewer comments without sacrificing review quality by focusing on the things that really matter.
Three Filters for Feedback
Before leaving any feedback, you can pass it through three yes/no screener questions. If you answer "no" to any of these questions, then you need to rephrase your comment or discard it entirely, as the case may be.
- Is it true?
- Is it necessary?
- Is it kind?
These screener questions have been proposed by many people, and they're applicable to all communication, not just PR review feedback.
If your feedback is not even true, then it will not only be unhelpful, but actually antagonistic to the reviewee and your team.
If your feedback is not necessary, then you're creating distracting noise for the reviewee. This distraction is not only frustrating, but also wasteful of people's time and attention.
Finally, if your feedback is unkind, then you should reword your comment until you can deliver it in a kind way. I'll speak more about kindness and why it matters later. But for now, suffice it to say that by delivering unkind feedback, you're actively working against yourself as a reviewer.
Many folks have written about these filters, but I specifically encountered them through Philipp Hauer's post on Code Review Guidelines: Hauer - Three Filters for Feedback
Pick Your Battles
Another helpful tidbit from Philipp Hauer is: "Don't Jump in Front of Every Train".
This is another way to say that not everything that comes to your mind is worth leaving as a comment.
When reviewing, focus is important. You should zero in on the issues that are most important to you. It is neither feasible, nor helpful, to bring up every little thing you don't like. This will annoy the PR author and erode your relationship with them. In the same way that not every thought which crosses our mind is worth saying, not every potential PR comment is worth posting.
Furthermore, you need to accept that there are multiple ways to solve nearly every issue. Just because someone didn't pick your preferred method to solve the problem, doesn't mean their choice is less valid.
Technical Basics
This post is more concerned with how to write a good code review, as opposed to how to write one at all. But, a review that doesn't handle the basics can hardly be called "good". So, make sure you're covering the technical basics in your review. These are going to vary slightly from org to org, but generally speaking, examine:
- Does the PR actually do what the author intends?
- Is the PR understandable and maintainable?
- Is the PR well documented, as necessary?
- Is the PR well tested?
- Does the PR integrate well with the existing codebase?
Beyond the basics, there are two specific topics that are worth speaking about more: complexity and style.
Google Standard of Code Review: What to look for in a code review
Code should not be more complex than it needs to be. The following are warning signs of complexity:
- The code cannot be understood in a reasonable amount of time.
- Developers are likely to introduce bugs when they call or modify the code.
- The code is over-engineered. It is solving tomorrow's problems today.
If the code is difficult for you to read and understand, then it's likely that it will be difficult for maintainers to understand too.
When looking for complexity, sometimes it's helpful to look at the broader context that a change lives in.
Google makes a big deal of complexity, from: What to look for in a code review - Context
Don’t accept CLs that degrade the code health of the system. Most systems become complex through many small changes that add up, so it’s important to prevent even small complexities in new changes.
Style issues are dangerous. They are easy to have opinions about, argue about, and typically don't matter that much. Style is important, because consistently formatting code aids in reading and writing. However, because of how subjective style decisions are, it's important to set up structures to prevent the wasting of time by arguing about them.
I strongly think that, when it comes to how code looks, it should be boring. Pick a common style guide for the language you're using (some languages have only one, and it might be built into the toolchain!) and stick with it.
Even more important than being formatted in a boring and
unsurprising way, projects should be formatted consistently
within themselves. Ideally, your style choices should be
enforced automatically through a formatting tool. This way,
any individual developer can simply run the tool and forget
about it. Examples of this include prettier
for JavaScript,
for Python, cargo fmt
for Rust, or go fmt
for Go.
If your style choices cannot be enforced automatically, they should be written down so that disagreements about style can be decided by a written document. If your project has no automatic formatting or written style guide, then you should consider starting work on that, and then defer to the following hierarchy:
- Defer to the style of the surrounding code or other existing precedent in your project.
- Defer to norms for the language you're using.
- If no other precedent exists: accept the PR author's.
Try to zero in on the technical facts that often underpin differences in style, and if several approaches can be shown to be equally valid, accept the author's choice.
One caveat here is that PR authors should not mix major style changes with functional changes. Style changes can easily obscure functional changes, and so it's best if they can be split into separate PRs.
People learn not only by being told what they did wrong but also by being told when they do something good. Besides, it can be disheartening to only ever receive negative feedback. So, when you see something you genuinely think is good in a PR, leave some encouraging positive feedback!
Doing so can reinforce behaviors you want to see more of, as well as boost morale.
Phrasing Feedback
Philipp Hauer's blog post Code Review Guidelines for Humans is the inspiration for this section.
Why Kindness Matters
From a technical perspective, the "Senior Principle" is the health of the codebase. From an interpersonal perspective, I think the senior principle is kindness.
Philipp Hauer provides my favorite argument for why we should be kind:
Being kind does not mean that we grab us by the hands, sing “Kumbaya My Lord”, and stop saying something unpleasant. The point is, that being kind is a smart strategy to give feedback that will be accepted. It’s efficient because you don’t trigger someone’s defensive reaction.
Avoiding Defensive Reactions
How do we avoid making people defensive? Here are two strategies I've found very easy to apply.
First, focus on the code. The review you're writing is about the code and not the author.
If you direct a comment at the author of a change instead of the change itself, it's hard for them to not take it personally because, well, you literally made it personal.
Keeping the comments focused on the code helps keep the review objective and supports collective ownership. The review process is not about "your code" and "my code". It is about the code.
Second, write from your point of view using words like "I", "me", and "my". For example:
- I think...
- Personally, I would...
- In my opinion...
- I don't understand...
- My suggestion...
- This code makes me think...
This is a common strategy in communication and conflict resolution called I-Messages.
Prefer I-Messages, where possible, over "You-Messages" like:
- You did...
- You are doing...
- Why did / don't you...
- You should...
Statements specifically about the code are technical opinions that can be argued using technical facts and data. Statements about your own opinions and experience are simply what they are. Keeping your review to those two areas as much as possible can help you avoid making people defensive.
Explain Your Reasoning
When giving feedback, explain your thought process to give the
reviewee additional context. Overly terse feedback like:
"Don't do it this way, use a BufReader
instead." probably
doesn't give the reviewee enough context about what you
actually think the problem is and what change you'd like to
Of course, you need to strike a balance between giving guidance and being too specific about how you want a change to be made. If you're too specific about what to do, you rob people of the opportunity to figure things out for themselves and really learn.
Don't Write the Code
This section is in regards to a particular species of review comment, that looks something like:
Try this: <big block of code>
I call this kind of comment "back seat implementation", and it is very different from providing a code example as part of a well-formed review comment. Instead, back seat implementation involves dumping a substantial amount of code, which itself is more or less complete, and expecting the reviewee to incorporate or heavily reference it in their PR. These kinds of comments often lack context about the underlying technical or stylistic problem being addressed, and instead demand a particular solution without explaining what the problem is.
There are very few situations where this might be acceptable:
- There is actually only one feasible way to solve a problem, and the reviewee is not getting it.
- The reviewee has directly asked you for implementation help.
- Production is on fire, this PR will fix it, and needs to be resolved ASAP.
Otherwise, hand feeding a solution to the reviewee has serious problems:
- It is insulting to the PR author to write the code for them. It's like saying that their investment of time and energy was unimportant or that they are not capable of getting the change right.
- It is a waste of time because the PR author will need to copy/adapt the code you've already written back into their PR. Inevitably, there will be additional hiccups and loose ends that will take extra time to fix. This extra time comes from the fact that you, the reviewer, have demanded a particular implementation instead of letting the reviewee develop a solution using their own mind.
- It's arrogant and dismissive to provide an implementation. It's saying: "I don't care how you would solve the problem, I want you to solve it the way I would do it". Why should the PR author bother doing any work if the reviewer is going to redo it for them?
- It robs the PR author of the opportunity to learn by doing.
Reviewers are often the people who are most comfortable with a particular project or area of code, so it can be frustrating watching a novice struggle through a change the reviewer thinks is "obvious". You must resist the urge to jump in an "fix" everything by doing it yourself or providing them code snippets. People will not learn at their full potential if they are not allowed to struggle. Furthermore, few things are more damaging to morale than being brushed aside for someone else to do the work. If someone truly needs to be removed from a particular piece of work, then that situation should be handled specially and with substantial tact.
Conventional Comments
Lastly, I want to plug a semi-structured format for writing commits that I've found incredibly helpful: Conventional Comments
Conventional Comments are essentially a set of tone-markers you can use to make your feedback less ambiguous. The format is simple:
<label> [decorations]: <subject>
:: Describes the kind of comment.decorations
(optional) :: 0 or more decorations that tweak the meaning of the label.subject
:: The main line of the review comment.discussion
(optional) :: 0 or more follow-on sentences or paragraphs that elaborate on thesubject
Personally, I think most of the value of the system is in the labels and decorations, and everything else you can do how you want. But, what's valuable is going to vary from team to team.
I wont regurgitate the system when you can read about it yourself on the source. But I will note what I think is good about it:
- Having to label my feedback helps me clarify what I'm even saying. Particularly, it helps me cut out feedback that's really about my personal implementation preferences.
- The labels and decorations clearly and concisely communicate the type/urgency of the comment, letting me focus on the meat of my review comment. Instead of having to type "Only implement this if it's not that much work", I can write "suggestion (if-easy)" and focus on my suggestion.
- Makes reviews more efficient by immediately giving the reviewee context on the type of comment you're leaving and how much of their attention it will require.
Wrapping Up
Over the past few years, these guidelines and strategies have served me well, and I hope they'll do the same for you!
Writing code reviews is a skill that takes practice to perfect. I've got plenty of room to improve, but by being intentional with the principles and strategies I've shared in this post, I've gotten more confident in my review writing.
I'll concede that "more confident" does not mean "better". But until I hear otherwise from a coworker, I'll keep thinking, trying my best, and seeing what happens.